Get Acquainted With
The Skilled Professionals

Seamus Pope
Seamus Pope, owner operator of Strait Land Surveying Inc. is the successor to John Theed. Under the direct guidance of both Robert Allen and John Theed, Seamus earned the designation of Land Surveyor within the province of B.C. in 2013 and subsequently assumed the responsibilities of the office of John Theed Land Surveying Inc. as well as those of Robert Allen and Company Professional Land Surveyors. Seamus works both in the office and the field, upholding the standards of survey work accomplished by his predecessors.

Dave Horton
Dave is currently studying hard and diligently, writing exams towards his commission as a BCLS. Recently, he completed his CBEPS exams and is now officially articling as a Land Surveyor in Training! He is a graduate of the Geomatics Engineering Technology program at BCIT and works on a variety of projects, both legal boundary resolution and construction layout. He is more than capable of transforming our field survey data into the products that our clientele require. Dave can typically be found in the office working on a boundary resolution, building layout or topographic survey plan.

Derek Inkster
Derek Inkster is our senior field survey technician. Derek has been surveying in BC for well over 10 years. He gained valuable knowledge of engineering and construction survey operations working for three years on the East Toba & Montrose Creek Hydroelectric Project, seeing that project from start to finish. He has been with us for the past 8 years, and has gained much experience in legal boundary establishment, subdivision, topographic and building layout surveys.

Dan Fennings
Dan is our senior crew chief and is more than capable of handling any field survey we toss at him. He brings with him vast knowledge in boundary resolution, construction, and topographic surveys. He has over 30 years of experience working under various BC Land Surveyors across the province in all types of conditions. Dan can typically be found in the field surveying a boundary through one of our beautiful forests or in a residential neighbourhood on a site being developed. He is more than happy to assist you with your project.

Joel Stitt
Joel has been with SLS for a few years and is working as a survey technologist on all sorts of projects, both big and small. He hails from Fort Hope, Ontario and has completed the necessary schooling to begin his path to being a BCLS. He is currently writing his CBEPS exams and learning all the good stuff about becoming a Land Surveyor in BC. He is managing the field work on a number of projects and learning from our senior guys as he goes.

Taylor Gerlitz
Taylor started with SLS in 2022 and is working as a survey technologist on any and all projects. Ty is a good ole Berta boy and has found his home here on the Sunshine Coast. He has plenty of experience as he comes from a survey background in Alberta, and we’re introducing him to the mountains and the challenges that come along with west coast surveying. He’s a perfect fit and enjoys learning from everyone here and contributing his part on each project.